Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ready? Here comes #6!

Last week was really interesting. I think that maybe part of the reason that it was so interesting to me is because I'm kind of a techie. I love to see all the new applications of technology and. learning about the DSSs was really cool. Also seeing the applications and value of the internet was also really impressive. Of course the internet has changed the way that business is done, and its influence is far reaching, but seeing all the applications of technology always impresses me.

The rest of the class was fairly interesting, like the various forms of market research and the whole deal about the competitive research, but nothing caught my interest like the applications of technology.

Well, until the next entry!
Roger, the Guy in the Penguin Suit

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Week #5

Last week's class was interesting. I thought our discussion about Coke-a-Cola and its target markets was quite interesting.

The other thing that was interesting to me was the many applications that this brought to light for me in my work and the company I work for. I don't think that we are doing a very good job with all of out marketing. I think that we should try to do a better job at diversifying our marketing mix. We are advertising almost exclusively to the younger generations, like those in there teens and twenties. I think, however, as a local telecommunications company, we could get considerable response from some of the older markets.

The other thing that was of particular interest was the one to one marketing. I've seen this in action in online stores such as Amazon. I'm not sure why it intrigued my as much as it did, other than the fact that it seems that it would be a highly effective form of marketing that will improve as technology continues to advance. I know that it has worked very well with me. I'm fairly loyal to both Amazon and Netflix, which are the first two companies that spring to mind that use a one-to-one type system.

Well, until next week,
Roger, The Guy in the Penguin Suit.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Fourth Week

Well, I think that the coolest thing about class last week was just being able to see how the buyer decision making process applied so well to me. I think I must be one of those problem customers, not because of buyer's remorse or because I always complain and want to take things back, but because of how much info I want on all of the items I buy. Unless something is one of my routine purchases (and even those I re-evaluate quite often), I turn most items into high involvement item. I want to be sure that I'm always getting what I really want and need before I'll fork out the money for it. I'm always hunting down information on the internet and from friends and family about new things.

I guess that I don't really have a lot to say about class this week. It really made a lot of sense. Nothing seemed strange or confusing, but not much really stood out either.

Until next week,
Roger, the Guy in the Penguin Suit

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Week #3

Well, this week has been a little crazy, so I'm a little behind, but here we go.

I know that this is gonna be a little strange, but I actually really liked the bit that we did in class about Jaws. We considered motivations in a way that I hadn't ever really done before... You always look at people like the town leaders and think of them in a negative light, saying that they're just greedy or something along those lines. That being said, it was very interesting to look at them in a different light such as that of realizing that economic stability is a form of CSR as well. I had never really thought about things that way.

There were also several interesting things that I found in the ethnic groups such as the fact that Asians have the highest average income of any ethnic group. Other than that there were a lot of things that I was already at the very least aware of. The most important thing to me was the way this section opened my eyes and changed my viewpoint, not to say there is not greed and other questionable motives out there, but there is a much wider scope of human motive that I need to be aware of. This alone made it a good class to attend.

Well, until next week,
Roger, The Guy In The Penguin Suit