Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wow, #10 already? CRAAAZY!!!

Once again, I'm amazed at how my business classes overlap. The whole section on JIT inventory and inventory control was a new view on some of the material I covered in accounting. It was nice to have it discussed in a different light. I really love seeing the many roles that technology plays in business.
I also found the various things from the IPs on Dell. I suppose that I have to admit that what they have done really is fairly impressive. They've really changed the way that your average person buys computers. That said, I hate their products. I think that they are poor quality and they are very expensive to repair, but that's just my opinion. I do have to acknowledge their business prowess.
And I found the section on transportation interesting since I used to work for a trucking company. It was interesting to see where we stacked up on the matrix.
I think that I'm out of things to say, so...
Until next time,
Roger, the Guy in the Penguin Suit

And now, the amazing #9

I really don't know what to say about this week. The test was pretty good. It went well and I was glad to see that my studing served me well.
Until next week,
Roger, the Guy in the Penguin Suit

Here we go again... GO #8!

Well, this was certainly an interesting chapter. It actually reminded me a lot of one of my other classes. Especially the product creation process that was outlined. This might be kind of dumb, but one of the things that I found incredibly interesting was the last page in the chapter, the page about the lifespan of the VHS. One of the things that I found interesting was how quickly it went from peak sales to being essentially obsolete. I think that, especially in the world of technology that we will see this become more and more pronounced.
Test marketing was also something I found interesting especially since I participated in something very similar to a test market during some religious service. I was part of a group that spearheaded multiple programs to see if the way the whole church did its missionary work should change. I know that's not quite the same thing, but I was still able to draw several similarities.
Well, I guess that's it for this week.
Roger, the Guy in the Penguin Suit

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Round #7

Well, another week has come and gone. Last weeks class was pretty good. There were some interesting things about the product classifications. I think I must be a Marketing professional's worst nightmare, because I'm really picky about tons of stuff that I buy, turning even what most people might think of as normal things into something that is treated almost like a specialty item. I want to know what I'm buying and then once I've decided what it is I won't take any substitutions. I buy quality, not quantity. I would rather buy an expensive version of an item once rather than buy something that is cheaper multiple times, that's just the way that I am I suppose.
The rest of the chapter was interesting, like product items, lines, and mixes. I liked the the branding and packaging info, and I thought the discussion about the Private vs. Manufacturing brands.

Well, until next time,
Roger, The Guy in the Penguin Suit.