Thursday, April 15, 2010

And around comes week #11!

This was an interesting chapter. I thought that it was interesting that it talked about how one concern of advertising is that the receiver of the message may not always decode the message in the intended way. I don't even know how many times I've watched an ad on TV and wondered what on earth the marketers who developed the ad could have been thinking, or wondered if they thought their commercial all the way through. But this chapter helped me understand a little better about how it may not be as easy as it seems to get your message across in exactly the way you wish. Every person is different and we all interpret the stimuli we are presented with in a different way. So you would have to be able to make a message very simple, while still making it unique and interesting enough that it is memorable.
The other thing that was interesting was the section on blogs and how they have impacted the world of Marketing. I never realized how big and how important for business blogs have become in recent years.
It was also interesting to me to see how the market has changed from being mostly product driven, to being more consumer driven. It makes sense that such a change has happened, however, when you consider the advances in technology.
Well, I'm not sure what else to say, so...
Until later,
Roger, the Guy in the Penguin Suit

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