Thursday, April 29, 2010

Week #13...Are we really so close to the end?

This chapter on sales promotions was very interesting. Sales promotions is probably one of the things most associated with marketing by the general populace. I had to laugh about the Loyalty Marketing section with the comment about how the average household participates in twelve different frequent buyer programs, just because that is so true of my family. I swear it's like a compulsion that my mother has, if there is a loyalty program out there, she has to be a part of it, it's just funny. I think that my favorite promotion for most things is sampling. This seems to be the most effective one for me, because I want either reliable information from a source that I trust will give me the honest truth or I want to be able to test it out for myself. Maybe it's because I'm poor and so every purchase carries a higher finacial risk... that's a thought... but who knows.
The other part that was interesting was the steps in the selling process. I found this interesting because I'm in sales. Not all of the steps apply to me, cause I'm in a more retail environment, but it was still interesting to read.
Well, until next week I suppose, at least for one more time...
Roger the Guy in the Penguin Suit

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