Monday, January 25, 2010

Week 2

Well, another week has come and gone, and along with it, my Learning Presentation, thank goodness! Those types of things make me nervous. I think it went okay though. As always, there were a few things that I should have said but didn't, but overall I think that I did okay. In fact, I think that everyone did pretty well.

We went over the quiz in class. It took a while, but I think that it probably helped most of the students. It didn't really do me a whole lot of good on this one, cause I was able to find almost all the answers in the book while I was taking the quiz, so I already knew all the answers this time, but maybe in the future that will be a different story, so I'm not going to complain.

One thing that I did find interesting was the discussion in class about salespeople going out of there way. I honestly can not remember a sales person going out of there way for me, but that maybe a better lesson. Right now I am a sales person for a local company and I want to make sure that I'm trying to go the extra mile so that I can be the sales person that has gone out of their way to help a customer.

Other than that really the most interesting things about this weeks class, at least for me were the discussions on blogs and how much they are now being used for business, something that I saw as I did my research as well. Netflix has it's own blog were all the official updates and projects for the company can be found. And as a final thought, the other thing that was very interesting to me was just how much all of the topics of business overlap. All of my business core classes have overlapped considerably and have given the same info repeatedly with a different view. I like that a lot because I find it very interesting to see all the connections and the importance of a solid and varied education of business principles.

Until next week,
Roger, the Guy in the Penguin Suit

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The first entry!

So I guess that I'm starting this blog because of my marketing class, but who knows I might use it for both class and personal use after my class has ended (hence the very... unique name). So my understanding is that for this class we are supposed to talk about what we thought were the highlights and the most interesting parts of class.

Of course, the first class of any class is interesting, even if it's just because of how different each class and instructor is. I liked how Professor Allen seemed to be interested in our success. It seems to me that there are too many teachers out there who are to busy teaching their class to teach their students. I have to say that I do feel bad for him though. It's gonna be hard to teach 125+ students spread out over the whole state.

The other thing that I found interesting was the retention pyramid. There's a few that I'm not sure about for me personally, but I guess that's to be expected since everyone is different.

I've never had a teacher that asked what I liked and didn't like about other classes and teachers, so that surprised me, and then that Prof. Allen has plans to then apply what we said to this class is actually really cool, and it will be interesting to see how it turns out.

I'm a little nervous about the presentation that I have to give this week, but I will be happy to not have it looming in my future, and I'm excited for my topic (Netflix).

I think that that's really all for today I suppose... I don't really know what else to write.

Later then,
Roger, the Guy in the Penguin Suit
"I saw Eternity the other night,
Like a ring of Pure and Endless Light,
All calm as it was Bright."
- Henry Vaughan 1622-1695